

After a week of chaos with my mom and staff at the assisted living place, I thought I had a chance to breath and get back to painting…I was setting up the easel getting ready to finish a painting I started the day before, when I got a call from my mom. They took away her scissors and she was freaking out.  I told her I was on the way and as I was getting ready to head out the door… the staff at my mom’s place called…they were freaking out!

Mom decided she wanted a hair cut at 2 in the morning, so she took her sewing scissors out and proceeded to cut her own hair…it would have been cute if she hadn’t chopped it bald in some places…the staff didn’t know what to do, my mom was crying and I was angry…angry that something so stupid could turn into such a freakin’ nightmare!

Maybe I have just been dealing with my mom so long that this just doesn’t seem like the worse thing that could happen…She’s been doing this as long as I’ve known her…I would have been worried if she’d cut herself or somehow injured someone else, but she just messed up her own hair…Oh…wait a minute…it’s not just that she cut her hair…she’s been running around the facility yelling at folks and throwing temper tantrums too…ok…so what? She’s been doing that for years too!

Damn! maybe I do need counseling…I got my mom calmed down, the nurse got me calmed down and I left there feeling like someone ran over me with a steam roller…WTF? I need to wake up from this nightmare!