I honked

Have you ever felt like everything you ever felt or believed was possibly wrong? Have you ever woke up in the morning feeling like the world was your oyster just find out ten minutes later that you were still just a grain of sand floating in the sea? Well…if not…WAKE UP!!!!!

We all believe something. It doesn’t matter if its religious or spiritual or scientific or denial. We make our way through the day believing something to be true. We make breakfast because “it’s the most important meal of the day” or not because “eating breakfast slows me down.” We honk the horn because “that idiot must be sleeping at the wheel!” OR, we just drive past with a glare because what we have to do today is so much more important than THAT person…

What if…? What if that person you just honked at was overwhelmed with stress because everything they believed in was just ripped out of their soul and replaced with doubt and someone just honked at them for a 2 second delay on the gas pedal…? What if…YOU were the person waiting for the light to change and it suddenly dawned on you that you hate your job, you miss your spouse, you need a hug, you figured out how to make energy from cat litter or better yet, you just solved the mystery for how that sock disappeared from the drier!? Now…How would you feel if you were honked at?

Flip the script…You’re on your way to the hospital because your mom fell and couldn’t get up. You are scared and frustrated and someone in front of you is solving world problems while they drive and is slow to start when the light turns green… To honk or not to honk? That is the question. What do you believe?

I believe I honked…I thought about it after and it dawned on me that we are all human and we all believe we are the most important at any moment. Even when we believe we are worried about another. We are actually more concerned with our worry at the time than what we are worried about. My mom was on her way to the hospital with a gash on her forehead not knowing her own name or what day it was and I was worried about “is she going to be ok?” Why? because if she wasn’t ok, what would that mean? What would I do with all her stuff? what would I do with her cat? Where would I find the time to DEAL with this?!

On the way home from the hospital, after hours and hours spent in the emergency room on uncomfortable chairs then in ICU with more uncomfortable chairs, with little to no information about whether she would be alright, I sat at a green light waiting for it to change…yes…it was a GREEN light! The person behind me never honked… As I looked in the rearview mirror as I finally started to pass through the intersection, I saw another person with beliefs…I don’t know what they are, but I believe she was more patient than me…