So in between answering questions about where to find floral supplies and where to sign up for classes, I painted this in about an hour. I didn’t look at any picture other than the ones in my head. I see so many pictures in my head all the time…
I find excuses when there should only be reasons…reasons why I should be creating NOW not “when I get the time…” I’m always “working” on something that isn’t what I want to be doing so much as what I feel I should be working on to make other people happy.
If I could have my “druthers” as my grandma would say…I druther be paintin’ than cleanin’ and I druther be sculptin’ than cookin’…
Ahhh…to live and balance the life of wife, caretaker, mother, grandmother, self appointed fixit queen, authoritarian bitch and artist all rolled into one perfectly f*cked up package…this is the life my friends…today…I say F*CK the dishes…I’m gonna PAINT!