zen doodles

Another dream…another space…apartment this time. a Jacuzzi, tile floors…wouldn’t that make a nice studio?

Ok…so what’s up with this? 2 dreams in one week about a space and the thought in the dream is either “would be a great studio/gallery or just studio space.” Maybe I need to find a way to get into a gallery? Or maybe I need to get my own gallery? Maybe I need to stop making excuses and make some art…studio/gallery space doesn’t do any good if I don’t have anything to show…

The walls of this space are bare. At least they are not torn up like the last dream. The place is clean…almost too clean…somewhat institutional looking. The room with a sink (I’ll call it a kitchen for lack of a better description) almost looks like it could be part of an elementary school cafeteria but much smaller.  The walls need something on them…


Need to draw…this is my progress…

zendoodle-progress1-2013 zendoodle-progress2-2013