bigger than me

When I first started posting my thoughts and feelings about everything from being an artist to the dilemmas of being a elder care giver to my struggles with weight loss, I thought it was all just to keep me from having to pay a therapist to help me stay sane.  I have recently found out via texts, phone calls and private messages that my plight serves a much greater purpose.

Apparently, I’m not the only one going through some of the struggles of being a human. It’s really not about any one of the “labels” we give ourselves…”artist”, “mom”, “daughter”, “son”, “banker”, “homemaker” or any other titles you can think of…it’s about the human condition of feeling emotion. Feeling pain, anger, joy and the ability to speak honestly about those feelings.

Granted…I am speaking honestly from the safety of my laptop, but I am speaking out and sharing my thoughts and feelings with a much broader audience than I originally thought. It’s not about getting a response as much as it is about getting the energy of the emotion out of my mind and heart so that the new energy of a new moment can enter my bubble without causing pressure. It doesn’t matter if it’s positive or negative energy…you MUST make room for the new energy or you will self destruct.

I am not a trained therapist, Dr., or even a good bar tender…I’m just a person who has always tried to find the silver lining or “blue jeans.” (search for my post about Denim Sky for more info or click on this link to be redirected there I refuse to stay caught in a vortex of self-pity…not that I don’t go there sometimes and wallow in my misery for at least a little while…but I will NOT stay there and make it my home! It is a place we will all visit at some point in our lives. It’s part of that “human” thing I’ve been talking about. But it is a place you can leave…you can CHOOSE to stay if you like, but from what I have seen in family, friends and random people I meet, it is NOT a good choice.

My advice…remember…I am not a trained professional…well, at least not in psychology or anything medical…just art…so I can’t prescribe anything but creativity…my advice…FEEL IT…LET IT GO…find an outlet…be creative…find a voice (this can be artistic, literary, speech, music, talking, walking, physical or whatever you can do that helps you and doesn’t hurt others…) most importantly…find a way to see the denim sky